Based on the Curriculum on Early Awareness and Disinvestment we starting webinar series. The first webinar series will describe basic principles and concepts within the lifecycle of health technologies.

Early Awareness

Iñaki Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea is your presenter on Early Awareness.

He is President of i-HTS and Head of Knowledge Management and Evaluation at BIOEF.

Health Technology Assessment

Wija Oortwijn will give a lecture on Health Technology Assessment.

She is past President of HTAi and will give us insights in her great experience from several projects in health policy and health service research.

Health Technology Management

Yadin David und Tom Judd will give a lecture on Health Technology Management.

We will directly get into the field of clinical engineering. The interim president and Board Chair of the Global Clinical Engineering Alliance will give us an overview about what matters in managing health technologies.


Hafizah Besar Sa’aid will gives a lecture on Bioethics.

She is Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and Senior Lecturer at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Malaysia.

With her presentation focusing the perspective of Islamic Bioethics in Health Technology Asseesment she will offers new perspectives on ethical assesssments in HTA.

Health in all policies

Mathias Wismar will gives a lecture on Health in all Policies.

He is Programme Manager at the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

By many years of professional life he is engaged in several health policy initiatives. Some of them focusing on the concept of Health in all policies. We are happy that he is willing to share experiences.

Hospital-based HTA

Marco Marchetti will gives a lecture on Hospital-based Health Technology Assessment.

He is co-lead of the Hospital -based HTA Interest Group in HTAi. In this role we will presents a view on needs and requirements of developers and users regarding HTA in hospital settings.

Sustainability and Innovation as concepts within the scientific assessment of Environmental impact

Our speaker of the day Dr. Lisa Pizzol, CEO at GreenDecision and Vice-President at OITB Pathway VoG presents “Sustainability and Innovation as concepts within the scientific assessment”. Based on the Curriculum on Disinvestment and Early Awareness of i-HTS and HTAi Lisa Pizzol shares insights in the vision of Sustainability by Design.

Introduction to Knowledge Translation and its application to Health Technology Re-assessment

Dr. Rosmin Esmail, University of Calgary, is giving an introduction lecture on Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Re-Assessment.
Rosmin Esmail is the head of the Interest group on Disinvestment and Early Awareness of HTAi.

Handling the uncertainty in Health Technology Assessment

Milou Hogervorst from Utrecht University gives interesting insights in the handling of uncertainties in informed decision support.

Introduction to ATMP

Our speaker of the day Georgie Wilkins, associated researcher at the NIHR Innovation Observatory in Newcastle (GB) presents the basics and gives an exciting outlook on what can be expected in future in a rapidly growing field.

We talk about opportunites and challanges around ATMP and have discussed how scientific networks and multi-professional working groups can contribute to development, implementation and use but also equity in application (ATMP for all).

Guidelines and training, appropriate use of health technologies 

Nora Ibargoyen-Roteta Researcher in Health Technology Assessment at Basque Government (Spain)

 Early Awareness, Early Advice, Early Dialogue, Scientific Advice

Nora Ibargoyen-Roteta Researcher in Health Technology Assessment at Basque Government (Spain)