I-HTScience is our project management supporting entity. Owned by EuroScan int.net. it is an own legal entity hosted in Eupen, Belgium to support the development and performance of scientific projects.

internal Projects

We are handling internal projects for e.g. the use of artificial intelligence to identify new health technologies

co-operative Projects

Since 2016 we are increasingly involved and participating in scientific projects and co-operative projects to develop methodologies and tools, as well in relation to specific technologies, diseases and preventive areas with impact in health care systems.

Project examples


Nanotechnological solution for the safe and easier utilization of medical devices

European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 814607


Under the umbrella of the Innovative Medicines Initiative, the Consortium developed a generic framework and a set of tools to conduct patient-centric collaborative platform trials, Integrated Research Platforms (IRPs). These will contribute to make clinical trials more efficient, potentially shortening the timeline to develop and bring to market new medicines for patients.

EU-PEARL has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement
No 853966-2.

WHO compendium of innovative health technologies

Selected  innovative technologies that can have an immediate or future impact on the COVID-19 preparedness and response, have the potential to improve health outcomes and quality of life, and/or offer a solution to an unmet medical/health technology need by evaluating their appropriateness, quality, and safety.

World Health organisation

ISBN: 9789240032507

Preventing the Preventable: Transforming Cardiovascular Health

PERFECTO — Leading Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Paediatric Screening for a Heart-Healthy Europe


This project (“DigiONE I3: DIGItal Infrastructure for ONcology in Europe”) proposes to create a federated European digital real world evidence research network.
