Our network in years
Since 1996 we have continuously developed early awareness methodologies and added more tools and services to this topic in
The founders
In 1996 a group of people related to HTA and EBM described the needs of the early awareness of new health technologies.
Within an European project the first framework on how to handle, how to scan for new technologies had been described.
Two of the original group had become honorary members of the association.

Claire Packer,
University of Birmingham

José Asua,
Head of OSTEBA
The club
After the project phase the group decided to stay together and continue in co-operative work.

Several thousands of documents had been developed together, additional methodological action had been undertaken.
The group increased in numbers and the National Horizon Scanning Centre based at the University of Birmingham had been hosting this group.
The legal entity
2017 – till today
In 2017 with the change in UK a new structure and place for the secretariat.
In 2017 the club moved forward toward a legal entity as a scientific association in Germany.
After being founded at DIMDI, the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information, the secretariat moved to Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln and finaly the association decided to go for an own secretariat.

Beside public agencies universities and other academic institutions, hospitals and personal members are nowadays included.
The family of services
In 2019 the strategy of the association could be implemented and the association reflected the global membership.

Regional groups according to WHO regions, a MOU partner of the association, had been implemented.
At the same time the co-operative network could be extended.
Instead of being a small club of 6 public agencies the association is now a network with an own public access journal (HInT), a network of global members (int. HealthTechScan), and running and participating in projects with the management support of i-HTScience.