Our network
Horizon Scanning in Early Awareness and Disinvestment–
evidence-based decision during the whole Life Cycle
Get insights into innovative health technologies
be part of the network
Health technologies – Knowledge exchange – Unmet Needs

Wouldn’t you feel better
- when innovations are being developed on unmet needs
- when new tools are available to be used to estimate the future
- what are the needs to show the estimated added value of a innovation
By partnering us we can make this doable.
Join our Network of Excellence.
get empowered by colleagues
Scanning the Horizon of Technologies and Demands
Handling health related technologies, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, public health interventions and health service packages is challenging and in need of multiple scientific concepts, a team approach and connection to the decision context.

Data and Knowledge
common access to data and publications
Common understanding
common understandings on terms and concepts
common development of methods and translate into practice
Our organisational partners.