Enjoy the best concept and tools combined together for early awareness.
Since the foundation of EuroScan as a project, the partners are working together to collect ideas on methods and tools.
The first toolkit was developed under the leadership of the University of Birmingham.
The actual toolkit (Version 2.0) is based on our developments in 2017 and was the first version of the association.Version 3.0 is actually under development and review processes.
Within the new version EuroScan is giving hints for the next step from passive Horizon Scanning towards Early Awareness and Alert systems with proactive components.
The EuroScan Toolkit
The toolkit is available by members within the internal information system. We are also offering access to other groups upon request to offer access and explanation to the latest version of the toolkit.
Please contact the secretariat to get more information.
Toolkit Version 3 Part 1-Early Awareness
is soon arriving
Members, registered for the InfoSystem, do do have direct access to the toolkit.
Members from partner organizations PAHO/RedETSA and INAHTA can request registration for this area.