Co-operation with HTAi
HTAi as partner of EuroScan / iHTS
The big overlap of persons and organizations between HTAi and EuroScan/i-HTS has been since the founding of these organizations. After getting a legal entity the co-operation started also on another level by founding a common working ground for Early Awareness and Disinvestment as a common Interest Group within HTAi together. The IG DEA was founded during the Washington HTAi meeting and is based as part of the MOU between HTAi and EuroScan/iHTS.
Several actions and publications had been the results. The most important topics are :
- Webinars to describe the area of the two organizations
- a curriculum for people training the topic of Early Awareness and Disinvestment
The most recent common activity had been the application as member of the HTA-R stakeholder group of the European Commission. HTAi had joined the action with EuroScan international network.
Interestgroup on Disinvestment and Early Awareness
The IG was founded after negotiation with HTAi based on our MOU at the annual meeting of HTAi in Washington, DC, 2014

Dr. Rosmin Esmail
chair IG DEA

Dr. Nora Ibargoyen-Roteta
co-chair DEA